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Rooted Church

“No Justice, No Peace”.

These are the words shouted by protesters, and we may be struggling to understand our voice as a church amidst the recent developments. As we seek to make sense of recent events, Rooted Church would like to offer a space for dialogue and a time given intentionally to listen to the voices of those that are in the black community that have been oppressed through systems of racism. This will be a short-term intentional group with prayer, meditation, and bible/book studies to engage in what we hope to be ultimately edifying to the church. 

For those that are interested in joining the discussion, we ask for approximately 2 hours of

commitment once a week for a 6 week period. Please note that the content of the curriculum will include a combination of scripture study and a historical survey of the American church and its relation with racism against black communities. While utilizing a historical survey in a church may be unconventional, we believe it is important for us to understand the historical and societal context as we interpret our time and how we love and live, just as we believe it is important for us to understand historical context in our bible studies. The historical survey in particular may be provocative and challenging to digest for many of us, and we concede the discussions may possibly become emotionally charged - we ask you enter these spaces with humility, patience, and the love of Christ. While the dialogue will be broadly guided with questions, we humbly pray for the Lord to collectively guide those of us that join this journey, and we pray for things that ought to be broken down to be broken down, what ought to be built up to be built up, and what ought to be preserved to be preserved.  

If you have any questions, please reach Haji Nishikori at

Meeting Times: 

9 AM at Apex Community Park Shelter for week of June 21st and June 28th.

*Future dates and times to be determined.*

Curriculum Overview [6 weeks]

[Week 1] - Biblical basis / Scripture Study - Why care? Is this a gospel issue? 

[Weeks 2-5] - History of racism against black community and Church

Book / Video Study - Color of Compromise

- Available on Amazon Prime Video for free. If you do not have Amazon Prime

Video, please let Haji Nishikori know at Rooted Church

will be happy to provide you a copy of the book.

[Weeks 5-6] - Prayer / Response

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